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Number 82 on the "periodic table" of elements

Tests the presence of ions of lead to a high degree of accuracy to detect contamination in the body and on a wide range of materials in your environment

Comparisons with bone analysis of very old skeletons have shown that the lead levels in our bodies today are 500 - 1,000 times higher. The total lead content in our body today is estimated at 125-200 mg. Daily intake has been estimated at 1-2 mg with very narrow limits although forunately, most people's exposure is around 300-400 mcg. daily

Lead is a neurotoxin and commonly generates abnormal brain and nerve function. It passes into the brain and can also contaminate the in-utero fetus and breast milk. Most lead, though, is stored in the bones. With lead intoxication, "lead lines" are visible in the bones on X-rays. Some of the lead is also stored in the liver and soft tissues. Infants have very little lead, but our body concentrations usually increase with age.

Lead is not very well absorbed, usually less than 5 percent, though children absorbs it at a higher rate. Many minerals, such as calcium and iron, interfere with further lead absorption. When lead gets into the blood, it does not stay long. Either it gets into the bones and other tissues or eliminated. Most of the lead taken in through food are excreted. Lead which is absorbed or inhaled will usually be cleared by the kidneys and/or perspiration.

A high level of of lead in the urine suggests increased levels in the body, especially in the bones. Since lead interferes with many red blood cell enzymes such as delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, an increase in delta-aminolevulinic acid in the urine, as well as zinc protoporphyrin and erythrocyte protoporphyrin, indicates problems of lead toxicity.

Lead exposure are higher in North America than anywhere else in the world. In US alone, it is estimated that approximately 1.3 million tons of lead are used yearly in batteries, solder, pottery, pigments, gasoline, paint, and many other substances. Somewhere between 400,000 and 600,000 tons per year go into our atmosphere, into the earth earth, our food, and our body and tissues. So there is a lot of lead around. The following are some of the common contaminants:
  • Leaded gasoline - tetraethyl lead was previously added to all gasoline; it is now used only for older vehicles. After combustion, this lead goes directly into the atmosphere as air pollution and is inhaled by living breathing entities. It finds itw way into the earth and living vegetation, heavily traveled roadways which show higher concentrations of lead in the air, soil, and nearby vegetation;
  • Paint - although, legally, the amount of lead in paints must be reduced, some still contain lead. Many homes retain lead paints. Therefore lead exposure will continue in this manner for a few more decades;
  • Food - lead is found in many foods, especially those grown near industrial areas or cities or roadways. Grains, legumes, commercial and garden fruits, including most meat products. Liver and lunch meats are usually higher. Liverwurst and other sausages contain a higher level of lead than other foods. Vegetation grown near roadways, such as herbs, fruits, and vegetables, have higher concentrations than those grown in more secluded areas. Measurements of lead in trees growing along roadways show much concentrations than in the 1930s. Bonemeal, a source of calcium and magnesium, is usually made from cattle bones and may contain high amounts of lead. Pet foods may have high levels of contaimination;
  • Water - drinking water may be contaminated with lead through lead solder in pipes or lead plumbing in older homes. Drinking fountains, can leach into the water, especially soft water. A more acidic water will pull lead and other minerals, toxic and non-toxic, from the piping;
  • Pottery - "earthenware" has potential for high levels of lead exposure where the glazing is inefficient. Lead containers can also contaminate food stored in them. Fruit juices and acidic foods will pull out minerals including lead from such containers. Glazed coffee mugs should be avoided;
  • Cans - solder in tin cans, used to hold the seam together, contains lead. Some are nearly 100 percent lead. Although can manufacturers are changing, the progress is slow. Avoid lead-lined containers or cans whose seams have a shiny, metallic solder appearance. many imported cans contain lead. The leaded plugs in evaporated milk cans may contaminate the milk;
  • Cosmetics - many pigments and other substances used for makeup and other cosmetics contain lead. Historically, lead has used in face paints and other beauty creams;
  • Cigarettes - lead is occasionally a contaminant in cigarettes. Lead arsenate may be used as an insecticide in tobacco growing;
  • Pesticides - many pesticides and insecticides contain lead, mainly as a lead-arsenate base

Toxicity Symptoms
Lead in the body interferes with many functions of the body. Lead accumulation interferes with absorption of important body minerals, such as zinc, calcium, and manganese.

Early signs of lead toxicity are fairly vague, such as headache, fatigue, muscle pains, anorexia, constipation, vomiting, pallor, anemia. They can be followed by agitation, irritability, restlessness, memory loss, poor coordination and vertigo, and depression.

Acute lead toxicity symptoms include abdominal pain similar to colic, nausea and vomiting, anemia, muscle weakness, and encephalopathy. Lead encephalopathy is a brain syndrome that can arise also from advanced chronic toxicity. It is characterized by poor balance, confusion, vertigo, hallucinations, and speech and hearing problems.

Even low levels of lead intoxication cab affect brain functions and activity though subtly, like influencing intelligence, attention span, language, and memory. Insomnia and nightmares are often experienced. Hyperactivity and even retardation and senility may result. Moderate levels of lead may reduce immune and kidney function and increase risk of infections, and may be another factor in increasing blood pressure. There is some suggestion that lead intoxication correlates with cancer rates. Further research is needed in this area. Death can occur with chronic lead contamination.

In children, lead is a special cause for concern. Hyperactivity and learning disorders have been correlated with lead intoxication; children with these problems should be checked. Several studies have shown a relationship between lead levels and learning defects. Such behaviour includes daydreaming, being easily frustrated or distracted, a decreased ability to follow instruction and a a poor learning focus. General excitability and hyperactivity are the other symptoms. Recently a correlation between sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and increased lead levels have been observed. However, further research is required to confirm that lead intoxication as a cause of SIDS.

Toxicity Limits
The average daily absorption of lead is 20-40 mcg. and which can be eliminated from the body easily. The acceptable range of lead in the body is between 20-40 ppm. Concentrations less than 20 ppm and 10 ppm for children may be acceptable but lead is a toxic metal and ideally it should be 0 for both organic and inorganic lead.

Check out lead levels in your body with our easy to use, home-based, HMT Lead Test kit

Sample of a HMT Lead Test kit

Osumex HM-Chelat is most effective in eliminating heavy metals contamination in the body

The above information is provided for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace competent health care advice received from a knowledgeable healthcare professional. You are urged to seek healthcare advice for the treatment of any illness or disease.
Health Canada and the FDA (USA) have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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